
LDB12/8 is a linear high induction supply air diffuser.


LDB12/8 comes with additional outlets either side of each nozzle to ensure the ceiling/wall remain clean. The individually adjustable nozzles, mean that the diffusion pattern can be tailored to any application, with further adjustment possible on site to meet the requirements of a change in use.

  • Air diffuser with adjustable geometry for optimum distribution and comfort
  • Part of the supply air is diffused directly along the ceiling preventing dust particles from depositing on the ceiling
  • High induction ratios – up to 30 to 1
  • Suitable for cooling and heating
  • Up to 2000mm in one section
  • Cooling ΔT up to 12°C
  • Plenum options include double metal skin insulated and pyrosorb insulated plenums
  • Still effective at 10% of recommended max flow rate

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